Saturday, September 20, 2008

The results are in!

September 17th the SCG cross country team went to Port Hope for there first track meet. The course wasn’t easy and no one knew what to expect, massive killer hill, uneven paths, completive athletes, injuries, pucking but what we can say is we all ran for ourselves not anyone else. It’s the first time in Garnier history that we actually have a SR boys running team. They had 6 guys running, Gab A-L, Brad M, Nick D, Jonathan C, Adrian M. I'm guessing running isn't as popular for SR girls because we were only 2 of us, Amélie A-L and myself but she’s in 11th grade. Now we know what to expect and we can only go up from here. I saw on some girls t-shirt, puke in September, kick butt in November and that’s exactly what we are going to do.

Results first meet:

Natalie: 141
Gab A-L: 261 (injury)
Brad M: 138
Jonathan C: 155
Nick D: 185
Adrian M: 137

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