Tuesday, October 28, 2008
really random thought
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Second Chances / Forgiveness
Another Cinderella Story... Dancing ever after
Another Cinderella Story... Dancing ever after just came out not to long ago and it’s the latest version of the traditional Disney movie Cinderella. Off the top of my head I think this is the 4th version of Cinderella they’ve done. There was the original Cinderella (cartoon), A Cinderella Story with Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray, Enchanted with Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey and last but not lease Another Cinderella Story after with Selena Gomez and Andrew Seeley. Another Cinderella Story after is the same story line as every other Cinderella based story except this is about an aspiring dancer. Selena Gomez is a young girl who dreams of being a dancer but her evil step mom is still trying to live in the past, she is now a one hit wonder. Selena breaks the rules and goes to the masked ball and dances with the most popular guy on campus, a Hollywood celebrity. Almost at the strike of midnight our Hollywood celebrity reveals who he is but after she see who he is and hears the clock go she runs off and instead of loosing her shoe or cell phone she lose her iPod, and our prince charming is now searching for his princess all threw school. I really loved this movie, it was funny, cute love story (but so obvious what happens), and really good dancing.
Every year my family takes a yearly vacation to Kitchener. Why Kitchener well one of my oldest friends lives there and my parents friends live there too. In October, Kitchener-Waterloo hosts Oktoberfest which is German party/festival/faire. What do you do at Oktoberfest well basically you drink a lot and party hard. We always go the last weekend of Oktoberfest because it’s always the weekend right after dad’s birthday. He loves going and I enjoy seeing my friend. This year Kitchener-Waterloo hosted there 40th Oktoberfest and it’s also considered Canada’s Greatest Bavarian Festival. I can’t wait for the day I’m old enough to go enjoy Oktoberfest with my parents.
Monday, October 13, 2008
This year, we have a lot to be thankful for in my family, my uncle Dan made an incredible recovery and he’s now at home! Can you believe it, after barley 3 weeks my uncles back at home; it’s amazing and just in time for my favorite holiday thanksgiving. I personally love thanksgiving because other then the traditional turkey dinner there is nothing really materialistic about it, its one day where you actually have to think and say thanks to god for everything you can imagine being thankful for. Your typical thanks are like thank you for my health, my family, having a roof over your head and food on the table but if you really take the time to dig deeper inside I’m sure you can find a lot of things you can be thankful for. For example you can be thankful for your friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, a talent or skill you have, your license to drive, I would tell you what I’m thankful for but this year its kind of personally I really thought it out.
The Three Musketeers
When I was a baby I grew up very closely with my two oldest friends Andreea and Evan. If you read my blog entitled October 12th, 2008 you’ve read that all 3 of us were born in the same year, just different months, I’m the oldest, Evans the middle man, and Andreea’s the baby of the group. When growing up I can’t remember a single memory without them, our parents were best friends, so as expected we became best friends and fast. Well it would have been just a fairy tale story to tell you but Andreea and Evan both moved away, Evan the farthest to British Colombia and Andreea not to far away in Kitchener. I would love to say we stayed best friends and close, but the truth is with distance we grew apart. With today’s technology Andreea and I still managed to stay good friends, but Evan on the other hand not so much, until recently, we’ve been texting quite a bit but its not the same as being in person. I miss my friends, you can never have new childhood friends or friends since birth, and they will always be mine and no matter what I’ll never forget them.
Friends will always be forever, and one day the three musketeers will meet up again!
October 12th, 2008
It’s a birthday day! Today I’m celebrating 2 birthdays, my dad’s and one of my oldest friends. My dad’s 30th birthday present was my friend Andreea. Andreea and I have been friends since forever, well Evan too but we won’t talk about him. I’m the oldest of the 3 musketeers because I was born first in June and Andreea well she’s the baby she was born last in October, Evan he has a month on her born in September, all in 1991. Well if you’re good in math you’ll know my friends now 17 and my dad he’s 47 but if you ask him he’s 27. It was a day of celebrations, and they will continue because on Friday I’m going to Kitchener to my friends Andreea’s with my family to celebrate her birthday, while our parents go out to Oktoberfest. Today’s not only a birthday celebration it’s also my 5 months with my boyfriend Joshawa. Time flies by, I honestly can’t believe it has been five months, it doesn’t seem that long. My friends are funny they think its been longer, sometimes when I think about it, it feels longer but then I think about it and it doesn’t seem like its been that long.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Jr boys volleyball!
Garnier hosted yet again another volleyball tournament, La coupe Lynx JR boys 2008. It was a short day compared to the SR boy’s tournament for the simple reason there was less teams. In the JR tournament there were 8 teams present, 4 French teams and 4 English teams. This year both our Garnier teams are stacked because both teams made it to the finals. Unfortunately they lost in the 3rd set against ACMT (L’Académie catholique Mère Theresa, Hamilton). It was still a nice CSDCCS final.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Working for an airline
My mom works for Air Canada, and working for an airline has its rewards. My mom is thinking about taking advantage of her benefits and flying to China for 5 days. When she told me this I thought who in the right mind who take advantages of her passes to fly to china, because there was so many other places I personally would rather go. Then she told me she’s thinking about flying there to go Christmas shopping to get mine and my sister’s presents, its way cheaper over there. I still think that’s weird, but hey my Christmas presents will be totally different from everyone else. My question to you is if you where working for an airline, where would you go, if you could travel anywhere?
SR Boys Volleyball
I’m a little late posting this blog but better late then never I guess. Last Friday October 3rd Garnier was hosting a SR guy’s volleyball tournament for La coupe Lynx. Ten Volleyball teams, 4 French teams, 6 English teams, one winner. After a long day the SR team finally made it to the finals, playing the one team we were kind of iffy about playing. Garnier wins the first set, and then wins the second set, Garnier wins the tournament, and we won our coupe lynx. Brad M was awarded the most useful player of the tournament, M.Martel extremely happy makes a good day.
The Lottery
I’ve been reading this same short story now for since 9th grade, I think the English department should talk about what grade reads what stories, so the students don’t have to read it year after year. The lottery is about a little town, who has a lottery every year but it’s the not the lottery we would expect, short story short at the end one person gets stoned as a human sacrifice, so the little town will get a good crop that year. I think the author of this short story was putting some people’s realities (in the time, maybe even now) on paper. I have to say though I always thought they sacrificed animals and stuff not humans. That’s my opinion I don’t see why you would kill someone but I guess if that’s in there beliefs we can’t judge because I’m sure someone doesn’t agree with our beliefs as Christians.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
When I Grow Up!
When you’re a kid you have all these dreams of what you’re going to do and be when you grow up. For example, living on your own, getting married, having your own family, your dream house, your dream job… when you’re a kid you’re free to dream. When I was a kid I thought life was a fairytale, I thought there would be no problems and worries and everything was going to be like in the movies I watched. But the reality is your dreams will only be reached if you put in the effort and work to get them. It doesn’t matter who you where when you were a kid, if you where rich or poor, abused or loved, you get what you deserve and sometimes we don’t like what we get. I remember when I was little, my friends and I use to draw what our house would look like, and I use to play pretend teacher with my sister and friends because when I was older I was going to be a teacher. We use to play house and be moms with baby dolls as our kids, because we wanted to be just like our moms. I’m not saying that isn’t possible now , but what I am saying is we have to work and fallow our dreams for them to be realities and no one should be allowed to tell us other wise.
Money Money Money
Fake news paper article
Teen Drinking
What is your definition of alcohol? What is your perspective on alcohol? When you hear the term ‘alcohol’ what are some of the things that pop into your head? Do you think underage drinking? Do you ever think about the effects of alcohol? Or even drinking and driving? People associate alcohol in many different ways. The medical definition is ‘characterizes it by impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with drugs alcohol, use of alcohol despite adverse consequences and distortion’. The definition of alcohol according to the dictionary is ‘a colorless, volatile, pungent liquid, CHOH: it can be burned as fuel (10-15% of gasohol), is used in industry and medicine, and is the intoxicating element of whiskey, wine, beer, and other fermented or distilled liquors: classed as a depressant drug’.
Underage Drinking
Underage drinking has become part of our generation and is a general problem to our society. Youths are exposed to alcohol everywhere weather it’s in there homes, at a family parties or even teen parties. Youths are starting to drink at an age which could possibly lead them down dangerous paths later on in life. Why do adolescents drink? Some teens drink because its cool, some get peer pressured into it, some do it to fit in, some just to prove the law wrong and some do it at parties. A common drinking occasion for teens is if they had a bad week at school to calm down, have fun and relax they drink there problems, worries and sorrows away. Teen drinking is pretty common for both boys and girls. Teen boys show a higher rate of drinking problems because they drink more heavily. Statistics show that approximately in a year, 5000 youths under 21 die as a result of underage drinking. There are about 1900 deaths from car accidents while being under the influence. Also 1600 turn to homicide, 300 commit suicide, and still hundreds of other injuries such as falling, burns and drowning. Some other interesting statistics show that 3/4s of 12th graders have drank, but what’s scary is 2 out of 5 8th grade students have consumed alcohol.
Drinking and Driving
Drinking and driving is the number one teen killer, why is that? Teens don’t seem to understand the consequences to drinking and driving. Once they start feeling really good some might seem to think there invincible but the reality is taking the wheel not only puts them in danger puts everyone around them in danger as well. Teens with there G2’s are still suppose to have a zero percent alcohol in there system. Rebelling against the law has its consequences but once you loose control of yourself and pushed your limit with alcohol it can be a very dangerous thing .This isn’t just a problem for teens, a lot of adults drink and drive. A lot of people are killed because of a car accident most of the time results because of drinking and drinking.
Effects of alcohol
The effects of alcoholism are really serious. The primary effect of alcohol abuse could lead drinkers to consume excessive amounts of alcohol that could lead to threatening health problems. The secondary damage is caused by an inability to control one’s drinking. It also effects teens in different ways then adults. Alcoholism has a really bad negative consequence cost for the alcoholic, there friends and family. Alcoholics have in fact a very high suicide rate, with proven studies showing between 8-21% of alcoholics commit suicide. Alcohol influences your physical health and mental health. Alcoholics suffering physical health are prone to hurt there body’s physically. Some effects might be cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, epilepsy, polyneuropathy, and alcoholic dementia, and heart disease, increase chance of cancer, nutritional deficiencies, sexual dysfunction, and death of many sources. Alcohol is not only poisonous for your body but also for your brain function and therefore psychological. Psychiatric disorder is common among alcoholics, especially anxiety and depression disorder, with as many as 25% of alcoholics presenting with severe psychiatric disturbances. Panic disorders can be developed in result of long term alcohol abuse. It can also worsen or occur as part of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Being drunk or hang over at work or during work hours can lead to a loss of employment, witch could lead to financial problems. Being drunk and drinking all the time can ruin families, relationships and friendships, this can lead towards divorces and domestic violence. Alcoholics with children can lead long lasting damage to the kid’s emotional growth even when they reach adulthood. Adolescents in both male and female puberty is a marked time in there life with hormonal changes, including increasing of the sex hormones, estrogen and testosterone. Teens drinking alcohol during the rapid growth of puberty and development may upset the critical hormonal balance necessary for normal development of organs, muscles and bones.